Pictures & videos


We have compiled for you a picture show with impressions of the Schlaubetal as well as some videos (youtube). Have fun.


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Schlaubetal Camping Schervenzsee

A very professional video about our place.

Schlaubetal Camping Schervenzsee

supraterram - Professional aerial photography and video footage

The Schervenzsee

Report of the RBB, with commentary from campsite manager Jörg Klofski

The Schervenzsee

Report of the RBB

Schlaubetal Camping Schervenzsee

Odin tells us what he likes about the campsite

Schlaubetal Camping Schervenzsee

A review of the little Odin

Image video from Schlaubetal

Tourismusverband Seenland Oder-Spree

Image video from Schlaubetal

Tourismusverband Seenland Oder-Spree

Schlaubetal Camping Schervenzsee


15890 Siehdichum OT Schernsdorf
Am Schervenzsee 1
Phone (0049) 33606-770 80-0

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© Schlaubetal Camping Schervenzsee GmbH